You may have noticed that our most recent photo shoot took place in San Diego, California. You may wonder why and we are here to fill the bill.
We are all guilty of dreaming big, but here at OG we are not afraid to put the graft in to make those dreams come true! We came a long way from creating our first sock blanks that stand side by side with global sports and clothing brands, we worked hard on bringing out new designs and we always took inspiration from West Coast lifestyle.
We always imagined OG Socks in a sunnier setting with more days for wearing shorts, skateboarding and living by the beach, so we jumped at the chance to share our California dreaming with you!
We teamed up with Eighty6Clothing, Italia and Sara to bring our dream to life for you. If you follow us in US, we hope soon your socks won’t need to travel as far to get to you!

Thank you for being part of this crazy ride with the OG Crew!